better ways
We believe there are better ways to build our homes,
using materials that are not damaging to our planet.
We believe we need to change how we manufacture and do business,
to positively impact our ecosystems.
We believe we need to respect our planet and all life on it,
and humans can purposefully create a sustainable future.
We are living these beliefs through modernizing historic building methods
that have proven to last for generations,
and replacing “modern” materials that lead to
high emissions and large amounts of pollution.
For homeowners who consider both the health of the environment and their families when building,
Calmura Natural Walls has developed a patented high-performance biocomposite wall system, using waste wood,
for supplying the healthiest, most durable and sustainable wall materials on the market.
Calmura Natural Walls’ novel monolithic walls benefit nature while providing comprehensive
peace-of-mind protection from fire, mould, pests and earthquakes. Our materials sequester carbon and last for generations, while reducing energy bills and creating truly comfortable homes.

Our team has been developing our wall system for a number of years
and are ready to provide this solution to visionary homeowners.
Please connect with us to help progress our venture to the next level,
where we can provide our products to many green building projects.

Financial support and venture development assistance provided by:

Get in Touch
We want to know what you think or what green buildings you are working on! Please use the form on the right to share what you would like from our natural wall system.
Find us
Current operations at:FPInnovations – UBC Vancouver, BC